My 1997 Mazda MPV Wont Start

Wednesday, October 30, 2013 | Labels: , , , , , | |

The Mazda MPV is a four-door sedan designed for fuel efficiency. If your Mazda MPV isnt starting properly, you could have a dead battery or no fuel in the car. A broken fuel gauge can give you the wrong information and allow you to run the car down. A dead battery will not be able to spark the motor and keep the car from starting. You can troubleshoot your Mazda MPV by checking the fuel and the battery.



    Open the hood to the Mazda MPV. Locate the battery; its to the right of the engine.


    Use a socket wrench to remove the battery terminals. Inspect the battery terminals for any corrosion.


    Use a wire brush and a can of soda to clean the corrosion off of the terminals. Replace the terminals on the battery and try to start the car.


    Smell the battery for a rotten egg smell. This is sulfur and means that the battery is dead. Replace the battery if you detect this odor.


    Use a different car and a pair of jumper cables to jump-start your MPV. Allow the car to sit for about five minutes in order to charge the MPVs battery.


    Turn the MPV off and then try to start the car. If the car will not start, you need to change the battery.


    Add a gallon of fuel to the car and then try to start it. Replace the fuel gauge if the car starts up.


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