Auto Air Conditioning Repair Tools
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 | Labels: air, auto, conditioning, repair, tools | |
When youre driving down the road on a hot day, nowhere near a gas station, and your autos air-conditioning starts malfunctioning, all you can think of is why you didnt get those repair tools and put them in the trunk. If youre one of the lucky ones and you have some tools in your car, you may be wondering whether theyre the right ones. There are some basic repair tools you should know about and have available for emergency maintenance. However, it is best to leave the AC repairs to a professional because refrigerant is a hazardous substance.
Safety and Service Manual Tools
The most important tools are for your safety. You should wear safety glasses, gloves, a face shield and apron the entire time you are repairing your autos air-conditioning system. Your cars AC unit can be extremely hot and the possibility of contact with refrigerant during recharging requires caution. You also need your cars service manual to pinpoint the exact pressures and directions for the AC repair, which can vary depending on the car model.
Diagnostic and Detection Tools
You need leak-detection diagnostic tools to determine the cause of your autos AC problem. There are dyes you can insert into the system and then check the pipes for remnants of the dye to confirm a leak. You can also purchase electronic leak detectors that alert you to refrigerant leaking into the atmosphere, or LED detection flashlight tools. If your auto has an AC leak, you should take it to a repair shop for the root cause to be remedied; any superficial corrections will be short lived.
Recharging Tools
To recharge your cars AC system you will need pressure gauges, a charge hose and refrigerant. The more inexpensive way to recharge the system is with only a low-pressure gauge; however, recommends using both a high and low pressure gauge for best results. The charge hose connects to both the gauge and refrigerant and pierces the refrigerant can so it can enter the AC system. Most cars use a R-134a refrigerant that can be bought at your local gas station or auto supply store. There are also gauge and refrigerant sets sold that contain most of the repair tools you would need for your autos AC.
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