Alternator Installation Procedures for the Mustang Cobra
Friday, October 25, 2013 | Labels: alternator, cobra, for, installation, mustang, procedures, the | |
The Ford Mustang Cobra is a powerful sports car and requires a lot of voltage to operate the engine accessories. The Cobras electrical components are powered by the alternator and once the alternator fails, it needs to be replaced. Installing a new alternator needs to be done in the proper procedure to ensure it operates correctly. The old alternator must be removed first so the new alternator can be installed.
Disconnect the Battery
The battery stores power and is charged by the alternator of the Mustang Cobra. Both the negative ("-") and positive ("+") battery terminals need to be removed from the battery, in that order, so power or voltage is not being sent to the alternator. This needs to be done to ensure the alternator does not shock the mechanic working on the component.
Remove Alternator Power Terminals
The alternator on the Mustang Cobra has power cables or terminals that need to be removed before loosening the attachment bolts. The terminal connections are locked into place with a clip that needs to be pulled up. Once the clip is pulled up, the terminal connection can be pulled apart, disconnecting the alternator power terminal. A nut holds another terminal onto the back of the alternator. The bolt can be removed with a ratchet and socket or a box-end wrench.
Remove Attachment Bolts
The alternator on the Mustang Cobra is held in place by two attachment bolts. Both bolts need to be loosened in order to remove the timing or serpentine belt. The bolt on the bottom of the alternator is the pivot bolt. Once the bolts are loosened, the alternator can be turned slightly on the pivot bolt so the serpentine belt can be removed. The bolts can then be removed from the alternator and the alternator can be removed from the mounting brackets.
Install the New Alternator
The new alternator can be placed back onto the mounting brackets of the Mustang Cobra engine. The attachment bolts can then be installed and tightened down holding the alternator in place. Leave the attachment bolts slightly loose so the alternator can pivot. The serpentine belt can be placed back onto the alternator pulley.
Tighten Serpentine Belt
Since the alternator is still loose, tension on the serpentine belt can be performed. A small crow-bar or pry-bar can be slid between the alternator and the mounting brackets. Pressure can then be placed on the alternator rotating on the pivot bolt and tightening the serpentine belt. Pressure needs to be maintained on the serpentine belt as the attachment bolts are tightened into place. This keeps the tension on the serpentine belt.
Replace Power
The alternator power terminals and battery cables need to be replaced on the Mustang Cobra. Slid the back terminal onto the screw terminal and tighten the nut onto the end. The power terminal connection can be slid back into place, ensuring the locking clip snaps back into place. The positive and negative battery cables need to be put back on the battery terminals and tightened down. Make sure the black cable goes onto the negative side of the battery and the red cable goes onto the positive side of the battery.
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